Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Cover Reveal of THE 13th SIGN - and a CONTEST!

Here is it, friends: the aaaah-mazing cover for THE 13th SIGN:

And the jacket copy:
What if there was a 13th zodiac sign? 

You’re no longer Sagittarius, but Ophiuchus, the healer, the 13th sign. 

Your personality has changed.
So has your mom’s and your best friend’s. 

What about the rest of the world? 

What if you were the one who accidentally unlocked the 13th sign, causing this world-altering change—and infuriating the other 12 signs?  

Jalen did it, and now she must use every ounce of her strength and cunning to send the signs back where they belong.
Lives, including her own, depend on it.”

Thank you, as always, to cover designer Rich Deas and the fantastic Feiwel & Friends team for knocking it out of the ballpark again!

And to celebrate the gorgeousness above, we’re having a COVER REVEAL CONTEST! Here’s how it works:
-Search the cover above for THREE zodiac symbols. Got them? Good! Then…
-Email your answers by June 30 to to…
-Be entered into a drawing! The following will be doled out randomly to three folks who send in correct answers:
-a $50 IndieBound gift card!
-a signed hardcover of SELLING HOPE plus a signed paperback of AUTUMN WINIFRED OLIVER DOES THINGS DIFFERENT!
-a book “basket” including three of my favorite recent middle grade books: BRIDGE TO TIME by Lewis Buzbee, THE STRANGE CASE OF ORIGAMI YODA by Tom Angleberger, and THE GIRL WHO CIRCUMNAVIGATED FAIRYLAND IN A SHIP OF HER OWN MAKING by Catherynne M. Valente

BONUS! Anyone who includes a FOUTH zodiac symbol in their answers will get double entries for the above drawing!

And that’s it!  Start searching and emailing! Thanks for playing, friends! (And please remember to email your answers, rather than post them in the comments below. But comments on the cover? OH SO WELCOME. :-) )

P.S. THE 13th SIGN comes out January 8, 2013, but if you’d like to preorder it, you can do so here (Amazon) or here (Indiebound)! You’ll be automatically be eligible for the upcoming THE 13th SIGN Preorder Contest – more details on that coming soon! J