The Sharing Hope Contest!
November 9 – Month’s End
Today is Selling Hope’s official release date! I’m celebrating by giving away a book basket filled to the brim with fantastic new middle grade and YA books to one lucky winner who helps spread a little Selling Hope love this month. Here’s what’s up for grabs (these books ROCK, y’all):
1. King of Ithaka by Tracy Barrett
2. Nice and Mean by Jessica Leader
3. Leaving Gee’s Bend by Irene Latham
4. The Haunting of Charles Dickens by Lewis Buzbee
5. This Means War! by Ellen Wittlinger
6. Autumn Winifred Oliver Does Things Different – in paperback
7. Selling Hope – signed to the winner
Plus, a few boxes of anti-comet pills, of course!
Here’s how the contest works:
1. Do one or more of the following things to help spread a little Hope.
2. Any time before the end of the month, post in the comments section of this post what you did AND your email address.
3. The drawing will be in December; books will be shipped to the winner at that time.
Promotional ideas:
1. Post in your Facebook status, “Halley’s Comet is coming and all I want to do is read Selling Hope!”
2. Include a link to a bookstore with the above
3. Post a picture of the Selling Hope cover on your Facebook wall (you’re welcome to nab the image above! ;-) )
4. Change your Facebook or Twitter profile pic to the Selling Hope cover. And uh, thank you, diehard! ;-)
5. Tweet or retweet about Selling Hope
6. Blog about Selling Hope
7. Write an Amazon.com/Barnes & Noble.com/Goodreads review
8. Any other ideas you might have – and please, share those with us in the comments!
Thank you for your help in spreading some Selling Hope cheer! Don’t forget to report in at the end of the month with what you did to share a little Hope! And remember to spread the love for ALL your favorite books and authors!
THANK YOU, friends!
Addendum, 11/23/10: My FANTABULOUS Editor is sweetening the pot, y'all! There will now be 5 SIGNED copies of Selling Hope given to 5 runners up in the Sharing Hope Contest! Spread some cheer and report back here! :-)